Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Parody Lyrics: Homeless Like The Wolf

Y'know, I'm not doing much else with the blog just yet, I might as well use it to document these things...
Let me first explain what's going on here. Occasionally, someone will parody a a single line from a song, or some conversation will prompt me to do the same. When this happens, I'm often seized by a weird compulsive urge to flesh it out. If I'm unable to distract myself with other stimuli, this idiosyncratic drive will not abate until I've completed at least one verse and chorus.

Thus it was, when some days ago, fellow Redditor twiggytwig recounted once seeing a homeless man bearing a sign that read; "Hungry... Like the Wolf," I was compelled to write the following:

I lost my job about a year ago now
Then my wife left me and my house got burnt down
Everyone passes by ignoring my plight
I understand, I guess; I must look a fright
I would too,in your shoes,can't blame you,nothing new,
(f**k you,too...)

I sleep on the ground
and stand out here begging for my food
I smell like a pound, my dignity drowned
'cause I'm hungry like the wolf
I'm down on my luck, could you spare a buck?
I swear that I won't spend it on booze
you've gone by six times, can't you read my sign?
It says "Hungry, like the wolf"

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