Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Yet another potentially fruitless attempt at starting A blog

Every quantifiable moment, edifices both humble and intricate are being erected with visions of great promise upon the boundless landscape of this, the elemental plane of information.
Through whichever of the myriad forms into which we temper the diaphanous cloth of our ideas, whether sound or scene or word, we build these monuments in the hope that they will serve impress an image of the unique world within us upon the world without.
But whichever shape we choose for our works, and however excellent the artifice; most of these ambitious structures lay empty and forgotten; the cruelty of chance doom most such efforts to an end while yet in their infancy.
Should this venture, too, succumb to the ruin of neglect, it will not be my first contribution to the abundant mass of derelict notions that litters the void of obscurity at the fringe of this technologically-borne consensus reality, nor is it substantially different in nature from others I have abandoned at that edge - But at least I've got a ridiculously pretentious sounding first post!

If nothing else is to follow, I hope that someone will someday chance upon this entry at random and roll their eyes so hard they pull a muscle. Take that, anonymous stranger from the future! With your ocular discomfort, I make my mark on the world! Keheheh!

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